We are so humbled by the overwhelmingly positive responses from Netflix viewers, our loyal followers and #travisthemovie fans after just one week on Netflix! We’ve compiled some of our favorite reviews below and are so inspired by the ways Travis’s story has (and will continue to) impact lives across the nation! Keep watching and sharing the inspiration: we read and appreciate every comment, review and personal message you write!
This is a must see documentary! I attended the film premiere and watched over 800 people give Travis an emotional standing ovation. It’s an experience that I will never forget. Travis lost both arms and legs while serving our country in Afghanistan, yet he never lost his never give up, never quit attitude. Travis’s spirit is contagious and will gift you with greater perspective on life. This film is for everyone – a tribute to our troops, caregivers, military families and spouses.
– Review from Netflix member
Do yourself, your family and your country a huge favor and take the hour or so to watch this young man’s amazing story about the human spirit and the will to overcome. You won’t regret it…
– Jeff H.
This film cuts straight to the core of what it means to “never give up” and makes you reconsider the things you once thought impossible or challenging in your own life. So inspired by Travis’s spirit and the ways he has fought for more than just his country, but for his family and their future.
– Review from Netflix member
I just watched your story on Netflix. It is the most heart wrenching inspirational story. I cried almost all the way through it. My tears in the beginning were sad tears but they quickly went to tears of inspiration. You young man are a blessing on this earth. May you always bring hope to everyone you meet. So very proud of you. God bless.
– Audrey S.
This documentary is a hidden gem and truly one of a kind. I experienced the red carpet premiere of Travis: A Soldier’s Story in Dallas and stood with 800 attendees in ovation to Travis’s courage and this film. I have watched the movement this film has created and it’s been an honor to witness countless people showing their support for Travis and our veterans. This film authentically captures the raw experience of Travis’s life, injury, and recovery. His determination and passion to get better for his soldier’s, wife and daughter will bring anyone to tears and encourage anyone to “never give up, never quit.” Do yourself a favor and choose to be inspired by watching this documentary!
– Review from Netflix member
Watched it twice already. Beautiful. Just Beautiful.
– Mary M.
We all cried our eyes out. What an amazing human being and his family – incredible. His positivity is just completely inspiring. God bless him and his family always.
– Kelly C.
I just watched it. I did not think I could admire and respect Travis more than I already did. I was wrong.
– Susan B.
An amazing documentary… couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. Thank you for your service and continued inspiration to so many who may need a hand up.
– @everglade73
Watched it last night! Absolutely incredible job they did in this. It’s not just inspiring, it forces you into a different mindset about everyday life.
– Lauren F.
Just finished watching it. I just want to hug your whole family. You are all such beautiful souls!
– Pearyleigh M.
I just watched your story on Netflix, thank you for sharing. In a world that sometimes convinces us it’s easier to give up, you prove it’s not. God Bless you, your spirit, your determination and your gift of helping others.
– Amie S.
My husband & I watched your documentary last night. You are truly inspiring! Your journey has set the standard to what I believe could touch the lives for so many others in many walks in life.
– Jamie B.
It is such a heartfelt documentary!! Amazing. Glad everyone will get to watch.
– Amy K.
Congrats y’all! So cool to share your story with so many people. I know it is touching people’s lives and providing so much inspiration.
– Ashlee V.
You are awesomely wonderfully wonderful. Your movie… spectacular!
– Melissa R.
Everyone go watch this ASAP. An inspirational story about one of the bravest and kindest men in the world.
– Nick A.
Fantastic documentary Travis! What makes you a hero and an inspiration is what you have done and continue to do every day to support and bring awareness to veteran’s and their families needs. Rock on brother!
– Scott M.
I have no words… the pain you and your family have been through is immeasurable. Your story is so captivating and beyond inspiring. So much love and respect for you and yours.
– @nhnhrach
An inspiring look at how one can turn a life-altering tragedy into a catalyst for doing good. Travis’s story is one that will make you rethink your own life’s challenges and see beyond your current circumstances in a way that will encourage and inspire others.
– Review from Netflix member
Thank you for your courage to face things many people would choose not to! The world is a better place because you’re in it!
– @lacsuttle
Hell Yeah! Outstanding!
– @nkpiney
Just watched it for the third time and spreading the word… you need to make a sequel!
– @anndfairchild
This documentary captures the raw emotions of a wounded soldier, his family, and all the selfless people who were there every step of the way. His ability and strength to rise above the challenges is truly incredible and one that everyone can be inspired by in choosing to rise above their own challenges in life.
– Review from Netflix member
Watched this last night! Travis you’re amazing… Your funny personality keeps everyone smiling. Not a dry eye the entire document. ?????
– Janelynn M.
Great inspirational story, and so great to have met Travis twice now, see the real person. He is funny, warm and so down to earth.
– Diane K.
Very good movie! Love your continued high spirits.
– Ricki G.
What a hero, and a wonderful story.
– Glenda K.
Only positive thing I’ve see on Facebook today.
– Doreen T.
This is a great documentary that should not be missed. It will change your perspective on life and make you think twice before you complain about the small inconveniences in your life. Travis is one inspiring guy.
– Review from Netflix member
This is an amazing true story about how to persevere even through the darkest of times. This is a must watch for all. Makes us thankful for what we have and very inspiration for those going through a rough time.
– Review from Netflix member
Just finished watching this! ? Very inspiring man! WOW!! I went from ? to ? very quickly!! INCREDIBLE is an understatement!!!!
– Rebecca L.
My daughter and I just watched your amazing documentary!!! ❤️ Have to admit I cried the whole way through! You’re such an amazing inspiration!! Never give up… Never quit!! I’m a clinical social worker and I plan to share your story with my kids so they can see what true strength and perseverance looks like! ??❤️
– KC M.
You set the gold standard for strength, perseverance, and inspiration. ?
– Greg S.
I just watched your documentary!! I cried through the whole thing!! YOU are an absolute amazing man with an amazing smile!!! I cried for what you went through but mostly for the strength and determination you have!! It’s so admirable that it hits you deep in your soul. Your wife is a beautiful woman (inside and out)!! Chloe is beyond lucky to have both you as parents.
– Tracy Y.
Wanted to let you know I rated it 5 stars yesterday and I’m telling everyone I know to watch.
– Christy B.
Watched it with my six year old who met you a few years back… He was disappointed when it was over he said “I want to see more… I am telling all my friends tomorrow at school about it!” He had so many questions. You are amazing thank you for your continued service and sharing your story.
– Jamie D.
Such an awesome and inspiring film. Hard to watch the first time, but it keeps drawing me back. I feel so bad for what our Soldiers go through.
– Janice B.
You are an inspiration! I have two kids in the military. I’ve told them to watch your story- You are amazing. Helping others is so healing– thank you for being an overcomer and sharing your amazing story!
– Roberta D.
I just watched your story on Netflix and was moved tremendously by your unflagging determination and spirit. Your wife and you are a lucky couple to have each other stand by your through it all and your story is inspiring to keep going no matter how hard the going gets.
– Shelley S.
Watched it last night and shared it on Facebook – what a long way you’ve come. Thank you for sharing your story – I really do feel like your dad said; you are here to help and lead others. Just by being the wonderful family you are, you inspire, uplift, and entertain 😉
– Roni K.
Absolutely amazing strength and courage shown by both you and your beautiful wife. Many years of happiness wished to you both; you are truly both an inspiration to many……. and god bless your little family….. it is always amazing what the power of true love and the love of a child will do to empower you and drive you! You are living proof! Thank you for serving and for sharing your story.
– Kerry S.
Dear lord I’m watching this right now bawling…. soooo empowering. You and your family are inspiration!!! Very proud to be an American!
– Brittany G.
Travis is one of the absolute biggest inspirations for me! A year ago TODAY was my accident that ultimately lead to me being a bilateral amputee. On my 24th birthday, they ended up amputating both my legs above the knees… I was in such shock that it didn’t really hit me until I was able to get my phone and then I saw the video of Travis.. I started crying uncontrollably when he said the words “it’s going to be okay”. I watched that “Now This” short little video every day for well over a month straight and showed literally everyone. My nurses, physical therapy techs, doctors, family, friends, literally everyone.. I can’t wait to watch this tonight when I get home. Glad it popped up on my feed.
– Cody S.
Just watched it. They did a great job. Pure story no frilly crap. Thank you Travis.
– Alex C.
Great documentary, thank you to all who have served and continue to serve to help us stay The Land of the Free and the Home of The Brave.
– Jackie A.
I must say I LOVE how you say “recalibrated” instead of other terms. That is a very cool, and positive mindset!
– Cynthia A.
I really don’t know how to say how much every American should watch this film. It is the most brutally honest films you will ever see. Travis doesn’t feel like a hero but I can tell you this if he isn’t a hero then there are none. This whole family is my hero.
– Michael H.
I watched the film this morning with my son and we are in awe of your determination. Thank you for making my country and world a better place. Thank you for your service.
– Jennifer O.
Outstanding documentary of your strength and courage. You have inspired me to dig deeper and press on with my own issues. Thank You for sharing your story. You have an amazing wife, daughter and family. Congrats on the new baby as well. NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER QUIT………
– Jamie B.
This!!!! Fotolanthropy & SSG Travis Mills, family, soldiers and friends who brought this inspiring and badass, award-winning documentary to the world….THANK YOU! ?????
– Help Our Military Heroes Charity
Travis you are more than a hero. The strength in your mind and heart are truly amazing. Your love and commitment to your wife and daughter is a true testament of A TRUE MAN. You are one cool dude and I love your sense of humor. Laughter is great medicine. Your wife is an amazing woman as is the rest of your family. True love is true love. And little miss sunshine there is so grown up and beautiful. Travis I’m so glad your story is being told.
– Patty D.
Travis… This was a very emotional and inspirational documentary…. I would recommend this for anybody…
– Leroy C.
I suggest everyone forget about your daily complaints, grab a tissue box, sit down and watch this!!! SSG Travis Mills is the definition of strength, positivity and pure determination! What an incredible and inspiring man!! I admire the men and women who serve and also their families back home who wait and worry and pray!!!
– Traci Y.
I’m speechless – Everyone needs to see this movie. I need more tissues.
– Tara O.
This documentary can be hard to watch because it is a true story. Yet it’s also one of the most inspiring documentaries you will ever see of one Amazingly Blessed Veteran and his family, and what they’ve made it through. Such strength and will power to never give up is incredibly beautiful.
– Krissy B.
True American Hero, must watch on Netflix.
– Luis S.
I highly recommend people to watch this documentary. An absolutely amazing story of a man from Vassar, MI that became a quadruple amputee after an IED struck him overseas while he was serving. Definitely proves how much we can overcome and accomplish if we put our minds to it ?
– Jennifer B.
All I can say is wow! I just watched the documentary on Netflix and I am speechless. You are such a strong individual.
– @alealealejandra92
Watched yesterday… I urge everyone to watch…
– @septemberbaby0903
You are a true hero. Thank you for your service. I am in awe of you… your positivity is inspiring! Your sense of humor and attitude through all of this – awesome!! Just want to say how amazing your wife is!!! So strong through everything that happened and with a little one at home. What a rock star she is… True testament of how strong military spouses are and have to be through deployments and injuries. How powerful love is!!! Your little girl is adorable!! Must admit I had a few tears seeing the pics of you and her 🙂
– @d_raemoyle
Travis, your determination and perseverance is so beautiful. I had already read your book and cried out of joy and hope and encouragement, but this really was amazing!!
– @shmatha
Five stars… plus ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ for one of the most outstanding and inspirational docs I’ve seen in eons…
– Review from Netflix member
My father was a very proud marine and I have a huge amount of respect for people who are in the military. Travis is a fantastic inspiration. I appreciate his service and him sharing his story. Some people are just destined to walk a harder road. And he handles it with such grace. Amazing…
– Review from Netflix member
This was amazing!!.. Cried my eyes out!!.. Travis Mills is a true inspiration!!.. His movie is now on Netflix!! You must check it out!! #atruehero
– Amber C.
Finally made the time to watch this. I was dreading it at the same time I wanted so much to watch! Beautifully done! Have been following Travis’ story since my son’s deployment in 12-13 when I became aware of the many returning service people in need of support. What an inspiring movie. My thanks to all involved for sharing from the heart. Thank you!
– Pat C.
Such a heartwarming and inspirational documentary that you will not want to miss. It will make you think twice before complaining about the “challenges” in your life. Thank you SSG Travis Mills for your service and sacrifice. God bless you and your family!
– Review from Netflix member
Thank you Sgt. Mills for your service. I think what makes this film incredible is that you are someone incredible. Not because you made your comeback quickly, or that you were so driven to make your recovery happen sooner than later. Rather, you sir are incredible because you were always filled with love, and joy throughout the entire time. God Bless you and your family. you are all people who inspire incredible greatness.
– Review from Netflix member
Thank you for your service Travis, awesome doc. By the way, who left the onions out? My eyes started watering for some reason.
– Review from Netflix member
Not a Netflix subscriber? Travis: A Soldier’s Story is also available on DVD and Blu-ray here.