A special thank you to the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary for bringing Travis: A Soldier’s Story to Columbia, South Carolina!
Our team had a wonderful time and we enjoyed meeting so many great people during our stay. Emily Silvola and Eric Wester did an incredible job hosting this event and made us feel welcome as soon as we stepped off of the plane. We are sincerely grateful for everyone that helped make this event possible.
The Lutheran Seminary’s hope for this event was for an amazing opportunity to build connections between the faith community and the life of those who serve and return from war-time military service. We hope that Travis’s inspiring story was able to motivate others to get involved with serving our veterans. Thank you Lutherian Semninary for the opportunity to share Travis’s story with your community!
Enjoy some photos from our stay in Columbia of Travis and Jon interviewing on the set of Good Day Columbia WACH Fox, Travis speaking to the staff members of Dorn VAMC, Mayor Benjamin presenting a key to the city to Travis, and photos from the screening of Travis: A Soldier’s Story.
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