Have you seen Travis: A Soldier’s Story on Netflix yet? Hundreds of reviews and comments continue to pour in and we can’t get enough! We love hearing what you think of the film, how it inspires you and what takeaways you received from Travis’s inspirational story- so keep ’em coming! Let’s make Travis: A Soldier’s Story a must – see this Memorial Day weekend on Netflix!
Got to watch today and I cried, then I laughed, and I cried some more! Thank you, Travis! Thank you to his entire family! Thank you to the company who brought this story to the big screen. Travis, you are an inspiration.
– Julie
I was in the infantry in the 82nd from 07-12 in 2nd BDE. I remember the day we heard of Travis’ injury. I have followed and been inspired by his journey for years and this film hits straight to the core of what it means to be a leader and a good person.
– Review from Netflix member
Watched it last night, that scene was so good that I thought it was body cam footage, powerful movie, inspiring message, God definitely put you here for a reason, thank you for showing us never to quit and being grateful for life.
– Scott
Wow, this has to be the best Documentary. What an amazing human being Travis is.
– Review from Netflix member
This is such a great movie! This man is a heroic inspiration! Thank you for your service and sacrifice! You are a true hero not only for what you did on the field but for how you live your life!
– Audra
My husband and I watched this last night. After it was over I noticed a pile of wadded up tissues by his chair. I asked him if he was getting a cold. No, he said. I didn’t realize he wept through the whole thing. 33 years as a firefighter and first responder and he wept through it. ? So impactful. So inspiring.
– Kristin
I want to tell you about an incredibly powerful documentary just released on Netflix that’s worth your time. Called Travis: A Soldier’s Story, it’s focused on Retired Army Staff Sergeant Travis Mills of the 82nd Airborne who lost all four of his limbs to an IED explosion in Afghanistan. His recovery and never quit attitude should serve as both an inspiration and a reminder to us all that in addition to those we’ve lost, we must also honor the heroes living amongst us every day.
– Kris Paronto
By far the best movie documentary I’ve seen in a very long time.
– Bruce
I had the privilege of meeting Travis and his family several years ago. What an amazing story of a quadruple amputee whose story of sacrifice and his never quit attitude will inspire you. I have read his inspiring book and now the movie is available. I promise you will be deeply moved.
– Thank you Navy SEALs
So inspirational! Travis is a true American hero. His never give up attitude is awe inspiring. Thank you for sharing his story.
– Review from Netflix member
I just watched your story on Netflix, it really hit home with me. I was in an accident almost 3 years ago that left me a paraplegic, watching you persevere through such enormous obstacles, has lit a fire under my rear. I’ve tried to show others that acquiring a disability doesn’t mean that your life has to stop, you have shown me that your life truly doesn’t have to stop but can take on many other forms! Keep on being someone that people can look to for strength and show them that you only have one life to live, so make it one that you’ll be proud of!
– Tyler
Just watched your film and I am speechless. I was moved so much by your story. Thanks for being that guy that just gets it done. You are an inspiration to us all.
– Gary
I watched your movie on Netflix & was so inspired by you. Your story is amazing. I love the scenes with Chloe in the playground. I wish I had half the courage that you have shown, to deal with the trivial issues in my life. I have NOTHING to complain about. Thank you for the inspiration & for serving your country. I am Canadian and I have a renewed appreciation for all that the armed forces do for liberty for all.
– Antonia
Saw your documentary on Netflix and I am in awe by the way you approach life. You are an inspiration to all soldiers and you exemplify what it takes to be a leader.
– Anthony
I just finished watching the documentary about you and I am even more amazed at what I saw and what I learned about you. You are such an inspiration to me, and to others. You make me feel as though anything is possible if you choose for it to be, it is all a matter of how motivated you are.
– Clay
I was in awe; I laughed and cried throughout the entire film. I have never been so moved by someone’s story in my life. Everything you’ve been through and you still look on the bright side of life. It’s absolutely beautiful. People like you and your story are the reasons I’m pushing myself through school to become a doctor, and I needed a reminder of that last night. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story. It was an eye opener. Thank you for your service. I am still in awe by your drive and passion.
– Brooklyn
I never usually do things like this but I felt that I have to. I’m a 49 year old Canadian man and I couldn’t be more far removed from your experience. You are truly one of the brightest lights in this world. A gift given to mankind to lift the spirits of people. I can see why your wife loves you so much because I love you bro. You may consider yourself lucky and fortunate but it’s the people that you’ve touched that are truly blessed. You are a force of nature for good. There’s so much evil in the world but thank God for you in particular because you’re one of a kind and you give people something to strive for. Thank you for being the best possible example of the strength of the human spirit. Thank you for making the world a better place for everyone. Peace and love to you, your family and to all of the people whom you have inspired.
– Kerry
Just watched your film on Netflix very well done moved to tears throughout. You are one impressive man and soldier. Thank you for all you have done.
– Chad
I just finished watching your film. What an incredible story. Although I may not fully be able to understand what you’re going through, I wanted to reach out to you and let you know that your motivation to ‘Never give up. Never quit’ has resonated with me at a time in my life that really needed a story like yours right now.
Thank you for being brave enough to share your story with the world. It will help a countless amount of people overcome various hardships in their life.
– Etye
I watched the documentary about your story on Netflix. I have never been so inspired in my entire life.
– Abigail
I learned from your documentary to never give up and to always keep moving forward.
– Tanner
I was able to watch the Netflix documentary! I admit I cried! I was very moved by your gracious and persistent attitude and life force!!! You are a truly amazing soul of a human ? I watched and thought, what gives this person the strength and fighting force so deeply and passionately within themselves to push through every obstacle and fight back when at times all others would give it up and move on towards non-acceptance or harsher self punishment that could lead to self destruction… You have shown me that truly the only thing we have to fear in this life is ourselves!
– Emily
THANK YOU!!!! From the bottom of my heart!! For all you’ve done and continue to do. I can’t even put into words how I feel right now. I just watched your documentary and I cried the whole time!!
– Traci
I just watched your documentary on Netflix crying my eyes out! Hit home considering my fiancé is deployed at the moment! Your an awesome family such a strong man with such an amazing wife!
– Brittany
Just watched your doc on Netflix. You are an incredible, determined, strong man. Your spirit is amazing. You inspire and give hope. You make an impact. And from a marine wife, I thank you for everything you do! God bless you and your family. May you continue to inspire millions.
– Misty
First of all thank you for your service, you are an inspiration, was in tears watching your film, but were tears of joy, seeing you all that happened to you and turned it to something so positive with a great attitude. God bless you and your family and you are my hero.
– Daniel
Awesome documentary!! Thanks for the sacrifice you made Travis! You are a true hero! Keep goring stay positive! I was born with a mild case of cerebral palsy. So I know how it feels when people look at you and than look away fast! Take the negativity and turn it into positive! I try to do that anytime I can! Enjoy listening to your story! Thanks again Travis for what you did for our great country!
– Jim
My wife and I watched the documentary that they did on you on Netflix last night. I must say that it was moving and I shed a few tears. You are an inspiration. I just want to thank you for your service to our country.
– Jared
I watched your documentary on Netflix today and it definitely had me motivated to want to look at my approach on life differently.
– Heidi
I just watched your documentary on Netflix. I’ve never written anyone before because I’ve never felt inspired enough to do so. You are a true inspiration. Your mental strength and your dedication to never step pushing forward is the single most impressive thing I’ve ever seen. I wish you the best in everything that you do and I am glad that you shared your story with all of us.
God bless you and your family. You are a TRUE leader!
– Thomas
I just finished watching your story on Netflix! Should have heeded the warnings of make sure you have plenty of tissue.. i did not.. lol THANK YOU for sharing that! You and your family are truly inspirational!!!!! I’m a “disabled” ARMY combat vet. My disabilities are not physical but emotional/mental. After watching I am ashamed of how what happened to me has paralyzed my life and how you have overcome with what I saw an exceptional attitude!
– Kristin
I just got done watching your story, I just want to say you are so amazing, I suffer from depression and your story made me really think of my life.
– J.W.
It is an amazing film! Your strength, drive and love of Family are remarkable. Flashes of the sense of humor and love of life that make Travis Mills so unique. Outstanding!
– Rebecca
My girlfriend and I are so moved by your story Travis! Thank you for sharing your family with us & your inspirational story! You have made us think about our lives and bettering ourselves. Never again will we say ‘we can’t’ because we always can. ❤️❤️
– Breanna
Outstanding film! Travis is an amazing inspiration.
– Cheryl
Not a Netflix subscriber? Travis: A Soldier’s Story is also available on DVD and Blu-ray here.